04 December 2009

Sarah Palin: Master of Karate and Friendship

Well, this is where the conservative movement is at. Sarah Palin, who has strong approval amongst the right, has descended into the incredibly ridiculous. She has suggested that the Obama Birth certificate is fair game. No need to comment on the birth certificate issue for the same reason there is no need to comment on President Obama being from the Klendathu galaxy: there's zero evidence of either. Hot Air is definitely feeling a bit squeamish about the whole affair, and you know David Weigel (best political journalist out there, I just wish he was on our side) is going to have a field day when he wakes up.

I'm just finishing watching the John Adams mini-series, and, even though I despise elitism, it makes you sort of wish for when politicians were well-educated, well-spoken, and took the task of governing the country seriously. After 230+ years of our republic, we are sort of left with this celebrity nonsense.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Sarah Hot and Palin is making a play for the Huckabee supporters. Without her Birtherite Embrace she might not get them all.

It's an excellent plan to win the Republican Nomination and further convince the Skeptics out there the world actually will end in 2012...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is about your blog, Nixon but you are one of two "conservative websites" that I read on a regular basis even though I am more of a liberal.

The second one is Reason.

Great blog man.

BTW: I saw brothers. Give it a chance. Also, did you think the Hurt Locker got it right?

Nixon said...

PJs, a decent conservative website, has similar sentiment. It's a bit embarrassing, and I agree that Palin is playing into the progressives hands by making conservative look teh stupid. But what can you do?

Wek said...

Reason sucks. Stick with Nix.

Nix- I know you wish Weigel was on your side, but anyone that calls bullshit for what it is in a sense is on your team.


Bradley said...

what Sarah Palin said was if it was valid for the press to ask questions and look in to the fact that she was Trig's Mom, it would also be valid for them to look in the PBHO birth. The press looked in to the first, and ignored the second.

I am not saying that PBHO is not legal/whatever, but why was it ignored by all but the fringe? Why has he not stopped all of the aligations by simpling publishing any of his records, to include college, state senator time, ect. ect. ect. but he fails to release all of it and thus allowing the questions to be out there. Ignoring a question does not make it go away, the simple fix is to answer it. but he wont do that.

Barrage said...


The press did not in fact look into the facts of Trig's birth. A few bloggers maybe. Another fact, she never did produce anything to answer those questions. She's a hypocritical whore.

Obama has been vetted by the FBI for clearances since he was a senator. You think that they are part of the great Manchurian conspiracy? The conspiracy that includes the state of Hawaii?

Wek said...

Where is Reagan's Death Certificate? Prove to me he's dead and not living with LT. Nixon in Thailand.

The Sniper said...

I and all my Klendathu brethren take umbrage at the comparison to Birthers.

Pat said...


So, Palin is a "hypocritical whore," huh? Stay classy, bud.

Barrage said...

Awww shucks, a tea bagger is offended at a characterization of a political figure! Does that mean you're offended by Glen Becks calling M. Landreau a whore as well?

Didn't think so. Fuck you.

Mikael said...

Palin's a certifiable nutcase, and Huckabee pardoned a man from a 95 year sentence who went on to murder four policemen when they were having their morning coffee. Personally I'd rather see Peter Schiff for the republican nominee...(he's running for Dodd's senate seat now I believe).

Nixon said...

Got some anger management issues there, Barrage.

The Sniper said...

Barrage, any time someone calls an entire group of people by an epithet it's bigotry. It's kind of like the mass media refering to homosexual men as "ass pounders"... except that at least that terminology has some basis in fact.

Mike said...

This is easily one of the best political themed posts I've read this week (never mind that it was written three weeks ago) solely because it manages to tie together the birther brouhaha and "The Nightman Cometh."

Speaking of real world applications of "It's Always Sunny," did you see the clip from the Eagles game recently featuring a guy cavorting in the stands wearing Greenman?

Nixon said...

Haha, that's awesome. From a Texas Renaissance festival to an Eagles game, Greenman lives!

Mike said...

The best part about the whole thing was that none of the commentators (from the guys doing the game to the SportsCenter talking heads when it was played later) knew what the hell it was...they all just thought it was some wacky dude. Nobody made the Charlie/"It's Always Sunny" reference.

Unrelated, my verification word was somewhat amusing: "norkedo," apparently a new weapon in the Norks escalating war on the high seas.