21 January 2010

Unfathomable Hubris

Most amazingly lame and self-serving comment of the day comes from this Senate staffer who writes in to Talking Points Memo:

My background is like probably the majority of staffers I know. I came to DC, from a far superior climate and quality of life, because I wanted to save the world.
If only they had been given more money to dole out than the $787B in the stimulus monstrosity (which was too small of course), we could have really recognized how the new aristocracy in Washington had our best interests at heart.


Wek said...

Jeez. Sure do appreciate this staffer slumming for us.

subrookie said...

Sounds like the same motivation of Bremer's staff in the Coalition Provisional Authority.

Anonymous said...

It's how I felt when I was in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Nixon said...


That would probably be "unfathomable incompetence".

Consul-At-Arms said...

There are reasons people like this are called "Hill Rats" by those of us who live in/around Washington, D.C.

Jolly Roger said...

Ah yes, our own nomenklatura. Brezhnev would be proud.

Bathroom Wholesale said...

That would probably be "unfathomable incompetence.

Trent Jordan Vancouver said...

Sounds like the same motivation of Bremer's staff in the Coalition Provisional Authority.