08 July 2008

From The Government, Here to Help

Best Government Agency Ever!

FEMA has always had a bit of PR problem. From the gross incompetence during Katrina, to the fake news conference in CA last year, and most recently the FEMA contractor who almost ran over some poor guy and then hit him with a golf club proclaiming that he was from FEMA and could do whatever he wanted. Now the recently fired Vincent Koley is leaving incredibly bizarre voice messages for a crime reporter at the Cedar Rapids Gazette (h/t Wonkette):

Ran into somebody, laugh for the day, he said to me ‘Are you that famous FEMA inspector? You should be on the David Letterman show.’ I said, ‘No, I don’t like David Letterman. I want to be on the Jay Leno show.’ You may not think that’s funny but that’s my type of humor.

Uh, okay. Sounds like the homeless man that used to ride the bus with me back when I lived in Los Angeles. The FEMA site for kids has extensive links with cutesy animations to help the children prepare for hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, but there wasn't one bit of helpful information on preparing kids for FEMA contractors bringing "teh creepy". Your tax dollars at work.

Update needed!